Radiology school accreditation is one of the most important factors to consider when looking into an education in radiology, although there are many things to think about if you are really interested in this career field.
Of course, you will want to think about things like whether to go to school locally, relocate to another state, commute to another city or even take classes online. It will take one year to establish residency if you go to school out of state, during which time you may pay as much as three times the amount of in-state tuition fees. As you choose a radiology school you need to think about whether any particular school is within your budget, whether it's nearby or far away and how the courses will fit into your schedule. Online colleges and vocational schools may be valid options if traditional universities are out of reach, and there are community college programs to look into as well.
None of the schools you're thinking about are worth the time if they aren't accredited, though, so if you're leaning towards any particular school, don't move any further until you figure out this point. Radiology school accreditation determines the worth of your degree-if you go to a school that is not accredited, employers will probably laugh at your credentials, and your coursework will not transfer to any other accredited institution of higher learning. And only schools that have been accredited will qualify you to sit for the certification exam that is required for radiology jobs. It is a really important factor-perhaps the most important of all.
If you want to find out which schools are accredited, you can get information from the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. Then you can figure out which of these schools fit all the other criteria you have such as flexibility of class schedules, coursework offered, location of the school, cost of tuition and the job prospects you'll have after graduation. You can feel much better about your decision once you know the school you're going to is accredited.
Browse to get detailed information about top radiology schools in USA and Canada and best radiology technician training course to become a successful radiology technician. Choose the best radiology technician program for you and start your path to a rewarding career.