Deciding to pursue an online education is the first step toward a brighter future. Finding the right online degree program is essential. Here are four things to look for when researching online schools.
Make sure the school you choose is accredited. Accreditation is bestowed on schools that meet the high standards of regional accrediting agencies. They review the academics, admissions, faculty, recruiting and more to be sure the students are receiving a quality education. If the school you attend is not accredited, you will not be able to apply those credits towards a graduate degree.
Find out how many online classes the school offers, how long they have offered them and the student/instructor ratio. The amount of online courses offered and the amount of time they have been offered is an indication of experience. Experience usually means most of the bugs have been worked out. The teachers have been trained on the technology and understand how to schedule and run an online course. Too many students per instructor may mean the instructor will not have time to interact with every student. Individual attention can make or break you when taking online courses.
You will want to know exactly what your costs will be, and how they will be paid. Get amounts for tuition, fees and supplies. Know the schools refund policy. Investigate financial aid and find out what is available to you. Ask about scholarships, grants and loans. Are you eligible and what steps should be taken to make the most of these opportunities?
Transfer Credit
Find out if credits earned at another school are transferable. What are the requirements for transfer and will they count towards the certificate or degree you are pursuing. Not duplicating courses can save you time and money. Does the school offer College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams? Most accredited schools will assign credits to students with passing scores, saving you both time and money.
Not all online degrees hold the same value. Extensive research is required to ensure you are getting your money's worth. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! To learn more about online education go to
Angela Carey is a freelance writer and lifelong learner. Learn more about online education at