With all of the fly-by-night online schools and completely fake and illegal "diploma mills" floating around the internet. How can you find the school you want while ensuring that your invaluable degree is actually worth more than the paper it was printed on? The thought of this search and uncertainty can be enough to keep some potential students from ever signing up. While I do believe that heading off to school on the web is still in need of a commitment to improving yourself with the power of knowledge. I also feel that intellectual stimulation is important to a civilization and it will benefit everyone involved. Some of you out there are close to making that commitment and might only need the slightest little push into the pool of the learned. Don't worry. You can swim, and hopefully you'll pick up a few safety tips while your here. I will of course give you a list that will give you a great many choices for your online school. However I'm sure that some of you will have a school or list of schools in mind that aren't on that list.
Just as the standard everyday variety of landlubbing university has their curriculum evaluated and accredited, so do those who reside in cyberspace. The major governing bodies that you need to ease your mind are narrowed down to seven and they are as follows:
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Distance Education and Training Council
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Make sure that if you have any doubts at all you contact these organizations to ensure that you are looking at a properly accredited school. Just in case you are fine picking from the very long "short list" of accredited colleges, well, stop by and check out our website at http://www.onlineschoolauthority.com
Well hopefully that will be enough encouragement to keep you working on your own higher learning. More information to come of course, but just look at all of those great schools that you can choose from. A whole country full of college educations all available to you from the convenient comfort of your cozy computer corner. Happy researching!
This article was submitted my Matt Engesser through [http://www.onlineschoolauthority.com] A guide to help make your online school experience a smooth and worthwhile experience.