Searching for the right online college is often an exciting process. The truth is, graduating from the right college will help enhance your income, find a job in the field you enjoy, and help you to advance in your career. Continue reading and discover the important aspects to consider when researching an online college education.
1. Career Goals and College Majors
The first thing you need to take when looking at online colleges should be to set a profession goal and decide on a college major. Working with a college major picked out before looking for an online school can save you time and help you select the right college that matches your career goals.
2. Accreditation
The second step you ought to take is to research which online colleges are accredited within your chosen field of study. The easiest way for you to research accredited online schools is to use the Association that accredits colleges within your field and perform a search of accredited colleges.
3. Investigate Courses
After getting an index of colleges that are accredited, the next phase is to check out the online courses needed to get your degree. Ask yourself if these courses appeal to you and are worthwhile in preparing you for your future career. Compare each online course to other online courses and pay attention to what interests you the most.
4. College Costs
The next step you should take would be to take a look at what's going to be the expense of your online college education. Most online schools charge per credit hour. Each online course is normally 3 credit hours. So to calculate the cost, look at the total credit hours essential to graduate and multiply by the cost per credit hour. Also, include fees in your calculations because they could vary quite a lot between colleges.
5. Financial Aid
It's also advisable to find out if the online school your considering offers any financial aid including Pell grants, student loans, and scholarships. Financial aid can assist considerably when finding out how to pay for an online college education.
6. Graduation Rates
Most online schools post their graduation rates online. Compare the graduation rates of each college and that will assist you to determine if the school cares about student success.
7. Job Placement and Rates
You should also research what each online school does to help students find jobs within their career field upon graduation. Colleges are capable of doing a great deal to aid with finding jobs especially in relation to adding to your job contacts.
8. College Professors
It's also wise to consider the professors who'll be teaching your online college courses. When researching professors ask yourself the following questions: Do these professors have real life work experience in your field of study? Where did these professors go to college? What exactly is their area of specialization?
9. Location
Another question you'll want to take into consideration whether you prefer the college to be near your geographical area or at a distance. Many students enjoy the ability to go to the college face-to-face and having close access to the assistance a college provides. Other students feel fine about living far away from their college of preference because having access to important services such as the library, professional articles, and job services are provided online.
10. Internships
It's also wise to ask if the faculty offers online course credits for internships. Students who work in internships have better job opportunities upon graduation. Also, real-world work experience enables you to solidify everything you learned in online courses and can help you see how theory applies in real world applications.
11. Student/Teacher Ratio
You must also question student/teacher ratios in online college courses. The fewer the ratios the more likely you are able to get specialized attention and help if you require it.
12. Academic Rigor
You can also contact the college you are interested in and ask if they have any alumni in your field that you could contact. When contacting alumni question their college experience, if they felt the college adequately prepared them for his or her career, and any other questions you may have. These alumni can also serve as a network when you are searching for a job upon graduating.
13. Requesting Information
After you have simplified a list of colleges you are interested in request more information online and a representative will contact you and discuss any questions or concerns you might have. Most colleges will also send you a brochure, course listings within your major, and any other important information to assist with your college decision.
Finding the right online college for you is definitely worth the investment. It will ensure that you're satisfied with your education and with the career you choose.
My Colleges and Careers helps students connect with the best schools to earn their college degree and embark on a rewarding career! A powerful resource for individuals of all walks of life, My Colleges and Careers connects people with the programs that help them earn degrees on campus or online.